Nutrition + Wellness Coaching - Change the way you think about food
My Story
Our Services
Backed By Science


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If you don't make time for your wellness - you'll be forced to make time for your illness

Joyce Sunada

Food = substance that

Food = Substance that nourishes
Most people only see the connection between food and health in the context of their body shape or by how much they weigh – what they don’t realise is that there are essential vitamins and minerals that our brains and bodies cannot function properly without

The lack of these essential Micronutrients in most people’s modern day diets is one of the biggest contributors to the massive rise of Chronic Health Diseases which include Type 2 Diabetes, Alzheimer’s, Cancer, IBS, PCOS, Hypertension, Obesity, CFS/ME, depression, anxiety - plus many more!

But isn’t it all down to genetics? 

NOPE, to simplify it there’s a saying in the world of nutrition -

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Genetics load the gun, but your

environment pulls the trigger

It is now well understood that chronic diseases are caused by largely modifiable elements including diet, lifestyle, emotional and environmental factors – these can switch genes on and promote disease (this is called epigenetics)

As a qualified Nutrition + Wellness Coach my role is to work with you collaboratively, to help educate you, explore options and ultimately help you make decisions and take action that will help improve your health and make you feel better.