Nutrition + Wellness Coaching - Change the way you think about food

My Story

Nutrition and Health Coach

Let me take you back to 2014 where I had been enjoying a hugely active lifestyle, was going out dancing as often as physically possible and in general enjoying life - yet I had started to have brain fog, I was waking up feeling like I was hungover and had serious fatigue that would cripple me at least once a month, even stairs suddenly became an issue to the point that I had to crawl on my hands and feet to climb them some days. 

Then the insomnia started. 

I saw Doctor after Doctor yet no one could help so I decided to take my health into my own hands and after much of my own research I kept coming across ME/CFS and it all, sadly, fit so well. I consider myself hugely lucky that in a world that feeds the belief that ‘you cannot recover from ME/CFS’ - just because they don't understand it - that I found a private clinic that did understand and that could tell me exactly what was wrong with me, I also found a legendary Nutritional Therapist who to this day is still one of my mentors. 

I fully recovered a few years later and I am now - entering my 40’s - super active, climbing mountains, running my business and seeing the world as much as possible.

All of this set me on a path of complete discovery about nutrition, the environment, our emotional world and the significant role they all play in our health. What I learnt - and continue to learn - inspired me so much that I studied to become a Nutrition and Health Coach and establish Recalibrate Nutrition + Wellness.

I am super passionate about nutrition and wellness, the role they play in not just our health but our society and I am hugely driven by EMPOWERING people via education and coaching to help them feel better. 

What’s more - and maybe most importantly - I have ‘walked the walk', I have first-hand experience of health issues and have used everything in my ‘toolbox’ to help myself not only recover but thrive - and I would love to help you too.